Saturday, January 29, 2011

Does High Fructose Corn Syrup Cause Weight Gain?

The latest study published by Princeton University could possibly explain why one in three Americans is obese . The study published in the journal “Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior” focuses on the short and long term effect of high fructose corn syrup compared to regular sugar. According to their research, high fructose corn syrup has fostered faster weight gain on their subjects compared to those who used regular sugar. The researchers used rats wherein two groups were tested with two varieties of sweeteners. Should you avoid products with high fructose corn syrup?  Read on and find out.

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The reported increased rate of weight gain in rats is only the conclusion from short term studies. Researchers have also conducted a long term study on the subjects. For six months, two groups of rats were tested with high fructose corn syrup while the other group uses regular sugar. The sweeteners were coupled with the regular diet for rats. After six months, the weight gain of those who used high fructose corn syrup is nearly 50% more compared to the group with basic sugar sweeteners. This is a very alarming rate of weight gain as it could easily lead to health complications.

What made this study even more alarming is the concentration used on rats. Regular sugar had the standard concentration that can be easily compared to sodas. Concentration on high fructose corn syrup on the other hand, is only half of the known concentration on food. But even with the subdued concentration, weight gain is still faster.

According to the studies, the rapid increase of weight in the body because of high fructose corn syrup influences the increase of belly fats. This behavior was noted in the long term effects of high fructose sweeteners on rats. The increase in abdominal fat is actually a strong sign of obesity. This further solidifies the theory that high fructose corn syrup is one of the reasons behind the increasing obesity rate in the country. People who constantly use this type of sweetener will most likely be obese even if they are on a normal diet.

Obesity is one of the perennial health problems in the US. People who suffer from rapid weight gain also experience additional health problems and most of them are lethal. Health problem such as high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer are only some of the possible health problems that stems from obesity. Millions are suffering from this disease and it could possibly be the reason for their untimely demise.

High fructose corn syrup can be found anywhere. Manufacturers have used this sweetener because it’s an affordable alternative compared to regular sugar. As a result, high fructose corn syrup is found in various products. Bread, soda, ketchup and even some cereals contain this type of sweetener.

Researchers in Princeton University will conduct further research on high fructose corn syrup by learning more about high fat diet. By learning more about this particular diet, they will be able to paint a clearer scenario on the possible effects of diet based on fast food. Although it’s already known to have some dangerous effects on the body, the researchers wanted to use this research in learning more about high fructose corn syrup and its relation to the current state of obesity in the country.

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